Split Pressurized Solar Water Heaters

Working Principle
The split Pressurized Solar Water Heaters have In streamlined closed circuit systems which are recommended for frost-prone and poor water quality areas, an antifreeze fluid is used for circulation through the collectors. The heat collected from the panels is transferred from the fluid pipes to the water tank by a heat exchanger. The circulator is regulated by a control unit on the water heater. This ensures the optimum use of the sun’s free energy.
Supplementary energy can also be integrated to ensure you always have hot water at the tap in any weather condition.
Non-Pressurized Solar Water Heater

This type of solar water heater, therefore, depends on convention and gravity to circulate the water throughout the system. The nonpressurized solar water heaters do not depend on a heat transfer liquid but instead heat up the water directly in the collector tubes. Using a thermosiphon system, depending on the different densities between solar hot water and cold water, a water-flowing cycle is created in the tubes. Hot water flows automatically upwards while cold water flows down. The water in the storage tank will be heated from this natural circulation.
Check out the Pressurized Solar Water Heater.